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Data Distribution

MDXT Connect is a data distribution platform and connectivity suite for real-time, historical and reference data. Connect integrates with all popular market data platforms and protocols used within financial services, allowing you to get your data to where you want it - whether that is into Microsoft Excel, custom applications, web or mobile apps, Symphony, for internal or external users, or contribution to data vendors.


  • Typically teams are using legacy and outdated process to share data across desks.
  • Over-reliance on costly terminals is inefficient and users want to work with their data in many different systems.


  • Pub/sub capabilities to the widest range of interfaces built by industry experts.
  • Seamlessly integrated into your existing infrastructure.

The Benefits

  • Competitively priced off-the-shelf solution, reduces time to market and cost of ownership.
  • Consolidate all of your data feeds.

Want to connect?

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